Become A Supplier

We at Booking Jordan do our utmost to build supplier relationships reflecting the cultural diversity of the destinations & tour we are offering to our customers.

Through our supplier registration, we provide opportunities to supplier partners this means diverse options for our customers.

We encourage all prospective suppliers to Register or send us an email.


1.    Completion of the supplier registration is NOT an approval of being a supplier of Booking Jordan.

2.    Completing the registration does NOT guarantee your company will receive a contract from Booking Jordan, nor does it imply your company has any type of procurement partnership with Booking Jordan. 

3.    Once you have successfully registered, you will be added to database of Booking Jordan potential suppliers. If your company is selected you will be contacted by a Booking Jordan representative.

4.    Registered suppliers are given consideration only when there is a need for a new contract for a particular destination or service.

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